Whoa! I bought 6 pairs of shoes all in 1 day while staying in Angeles in the Philippines. Angeles is just a couple hours north of Manila. We were staying with Jo's boyfriend's (Tim's) family. Each pair was under $25. I couldn't resist. I later bought 3 more pairs on our last day in Manila. Thank goodness we bought boxes to throw all our stuff into for the plane ride home. Manila was our last stop before returning to SF.
These are my 15cent flip-flops that I bought the first day we spent in Bangkok at the weekend market. Jo bought some too and wore hers all the time, all around town. I wore mine mostly to the beach, so here they are in Phuket, a large touristy island off the western coast of southern Thailand! Boy, do I miss being able to just slip on the flippies and head for the beach...
Jo and I made it to the Full Moon Party on Feb 8th on the small island of Phangan in Thailand, after a harrowing overnight bus ride from Bangkok to Surat Thani. Every month on the full moon, there's a party on the entire Haad Rin beach on Phangan. It's mostly tourists, around 25,000 people, with DJs and discos and lots of dancing.
These are the most comfortable shoes I've ever bought! They're from a small hip shop in St. Germaine de Pres on the Paris left back. They're also the only pair of shoes I bought in Paris during a whole week stay there last October. I was really looking forward to shoe shopping in Paris, but I found that most of the shoes there were really pointy and strappy and generally girly. Not exactly my style. I'll have to look harder next time...