Saturday 11 November 2006

hard at work in the english countryside

2.40 am and back in my looovely room at fawsley hall near daventry. clearly, tolkien has roamed this countryside because it is a picture-perfect hobbiton, minus the hobbits, although some of the old portraits in the great hall made me think the english might once have been hobbits... this was a 2-day team getaway with coworkers - spent the day with a motivational speaker - making 90day collages, having a-ha moments, believing that 'you can if you think you can' and then in the evening settled in at the bar - a roight propah boozeup!

some funny moments included "i had the time of my life..." (1 foot from the rafters, DD-style) "doe a deer, a female deer. ray a drop of golden sun..." (lyn reenacting my bday singalong), matt and his benedictine, kev hurdling over the down feather bed. made too much noise, who us? naaaah...

Friday 10 November 2006

Tuesday 5 September 2006

flip floppin in style

anne klein flip flops bought at DSW union square nyc and worn in mexico & ibiza - my trusty beach goers. they're just a bit more stylish than those blue thailand flippies.

Monday 4 September 2006

lone shoe in ibiza old town

this giant leather shoe on the wall of a shop caught our eye. it was advertising a leather store in ibiza old town - on holiday with jo, audrey, silvia. we went into the store and each bought a bracelet. i thought going to ibiza would make me feel old and out of touch with the DJ scene...on the contrary, i'm as addicted as i was in SF and can't wait to go back!

Sunday 24 July 2005

coffee n shoes

snapped this during a quick trip to london for a second interview. hao and i were walking around london. the ad really doesn't seem to make a whole lotta sense, but i guess the shoes mean it'll catch a lady's eye? well, it did mine.

Monday 4 July 2005

edible gaultier

when my mom and i were in paris for a long weekend (we hit the first weekend of the summer sales, yessss!), our gallery hopping took us to 2 memorable exhibits. the first of which was the villa museum where a wealthy couple amassed art from around the world and decorated the house themselves with beautiful and unusual architectural elements - the audio guide made it into story of art and a great romance:

The Jacquemart-André Museum 158 Boulevard Haussmann - 75008 Paris Tel: 01-42-89-04-91 Metro: Miromesnil

the second was Gaultier haute couture at the cartier exhibition hall, which was really bizarre since Gaultier created the pieces out of bread and there was a bakery downstairs where visitors could watch the exhibits actually being made to replace the displays upstairs as the bread got stale.

Sunday 16 January 2005

something old, something new

even though these aren't my shoes, i couldn't resist posting them - these are maggie's wedding shoes!! i travelled to mexico with my classmates to attend armando & maggie's wedding. we spent 2 beautiful weeks in cancun and merida - beach and food paradise mmm. apparently a new trend in mexico, platform wedding sneakers add height and comfort so you can dance the whole night long. smart girl.

Saturday 11 August 2001

qool @ 111 minna

Check out my cool F shoes by John Fluevog!! I got these at the SF Fluevog store on Haight Street a few years ago. A friend once said they look like bumper cars...they're fun to wear with really baggy pants. Chad snapped this at Qool party at 111 Minna, hence Chad's handiwork with the Qool logo in the corner.

Sunday 5 August 2001

dutch el dantes

I found these shoes in Holland last November while visiting my friend Vera. Vera lives in the south of Holland about 3 hours from Amsterdam and 10 minutes from the German border near Aachen. The day after I arrived, we went shopping in Heerlen, a small university city about 15 minutes away. These El Dantes were the first pair I spotted in the first shop we went into and it was only my first full day in Holland...which means I was in trouble already - Holland has LOTS of shoes, especially the funky crazy types. But I loved them so I bought them anyway. And it turned out to be a good decision because I didn't buy any other shoes for the rest of the trip. Good restraint, Lynn. *self pat on the back* People have asked me where they can get a pair locally. Well, I haven't seen this pair in the US but I do know that Shoe Biz in SF carries occasionally the El Dantes brand.

Sunday 28 January 2001

shoe shopping spree!

Whoa! I bought 6 pairs of shoes all in 1 day while staying in Angeles in the Philippines. Angeles is just a couple hours north of Manila. We were staying with Jo's boyfriend's (Tim's) family. Each pair was under $25. I couldn't resist. I later bought 3 more pairs on our last day in Manila. Thank goodness we bought boxes to throw all our stuff into for the plane ride home. Manila was our last stop before returning to SF.